Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog reader interview...

Over on the old blog, I started a feature called "Blog Reader Interview". Since I like to get to know people, I'm continuing that feature over here. Today I have an interview with my blog friend, Nicole. 

(from Nicole's blog)

What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Job, family life, living situation?
"My name is Nicole Christine Coffin.  I am 29 years old.  I live in Columbia, Missouri (I have pretty much my whole life).  I am a cosmetologist.  I have been doing hair for almost 8 years.  I have 2 little girls (Lilly is 9 and Daisy is 7), a boyfriend (KC and I have been together for nearly 3 years now. We live together), a german shepherd puppy (Tripper is 6 months old),  an orange tabby named Pumpkin, and a gray tabby named Scarlet.  I have owned our home for 5 years, and us girls collected a few pals to add to our little family along the way.  :)"

What inspires you? What are some of your favorite things?
"I am inspired by the beauty around me every day.  Pretty food packaging, the way people dress.....But also search for pretty things online through blogs, "weheartit", and flickr.  Being part of the blogging community has made me some new friends, and has inspired me to live my life in a way that's worth writing about.  If you are going to document your life, you want to have an enjoyable, exciting life experience to share, no?  I am inspired constantly by my daughters.  Having kids really makes you view the world differently.  Crouching down to a child's level makes you remember how fun and carefree life can be.  They remind you that life is just a giant playground, and we can write our own stories.  Coffee, twirly skirts, 70 degree days at the park, painting, Blythe dolls, vintage, scrapbooks, instax photos, scratching my boyfriends beard, record players, milk + chocolate, 70s colors, enjoying a storm from my comfy home, mary janes + peter pan collars, ceramic animals (kitties, bunnies, deer, skunks, raccoons, foxes, & hippos), museums and trips to the zoo, the beach, and taking walks in the snow.  Oh, and every single thing about fall."

What are your favorite hobbies? 
"Reading, knitting, watching movies on Netflix, game nights with friends/family, cooking & baking, scrapbooking/art journaling, taking tons of pictures, reading blogs, playing fetch with the dog, having dance parties with my girls, lengthy philosophical conversations with my boyfriend, painting, stitching, going to thrift stores and antique malls, twirling my hair, and taking naps."

How do you spend your days?
"Breaking up fights, dealing with drama, serving people, trying to be artistic, breaking old habits, teaching, loving, and daydreaming about having more time."

Why are you on Blogger? Do you have a blog, yourself?
"I discovered blogging about a year ago, and instantly fell in love.  I got lost in it, clicking on blog roll links, following a beautiful chain of the most fantastic things.......I couldn't get enough.  I still can't.  I'm naturally pretty voyeuristic.  I love peeking into the little bits that people think are interesting enough to share about their little lives.  I like seeing people's homes, and the way they dress, and finding out the details of people's lives that they wouldn't necessarily share with the person standing next to them in line, or even their hairstylist.  ;)
I do have a blog (how could I not?!)  Here it is:
I hope you come by and take a peek!"

What attracted you to MY blog? What do you like about it? How did you find me? 
"I'm pretty sure I met Brina when we took Janelle's (of I heart run with scissors) "I Heart Fall" class.  Brina is down to earth, super nice, and pretty.  She has great ideas, and makes neat things."

(You're very kind, Nicole. Thank you.)

If you have an Etsy shop, or other online site, what do you hope to accomplish with it? What are your long-term goals, dreams, etc?I
"I don't have an Etsy shop yet, but I daydream about it all the time.  I would also love to own a diner, or a coffee & cupcake shop someday.  I want to live in a little cottage on the beach, or a tiny little farm, and live off of selling my handmade goods.  My boyfriend and I want to be truckers when we get old, so we can get paid to travel! he he."

What are some of your favorite blogs, sites, etc. and why?
"I love to look at people's homes a lot.  I browse through flickr for that, or apartment therapy, or design sponge.  You can find a list of the blogs I love on my own blog (too many to list here!).  Also, you gotta love facebook & twitter for staying in the loop!  I look up recipes almost daily, randomly searching them through google.  I like randomly searching google to learn stuff.  I'm a curious cat."

Anything fun you have to share about yourself??
"I have line tattoos down the back of my legs, to look like old-fashioned stockings.  That's fun right??

This has been so much fun!  Thank you Brina for letting me ramble on.  I can't wait to hear more about your other followers.  Your new blog looks beautiful, and I am looking forward to getting to know you more!"

Nicole is such a sweetheart. We have a lot in common, and her blog is great. She always has something fun and inspiring to post. I really enjoyed this interview, too. So thank you, Nicole, for participating and following me over here on the new blog.    

1 comment:

Nicole Coffin. said...

i came over to make sure i added your new blog to my blog roll, and found this! what a nice surprise. yay! thank you for featuring's neat to see myself on someone else's blog. :)

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